a BUNCH of Mini Weasly Sweater Christmas Ornaments from the Charmed Knits book for use as gift tags for my husbands family, and a pair of baby sized Chuck Taylor Converse for the baby from a pattern I found on Ravelry.

Also, while I have been gone, my girls, Madison, Page, and Natalie, as well as my neice Sarah, and my nephew Seth have all had birthdays (December is VERY busy around here!!) Mady turned 5, Page turned 12, Natalie turned 9, Sarah hit the big 1-0, and little Seth celebrated his very first birthday! My pregnancy has continued to progress, though it is taking a bigger toll on my physically, and energy-wise than my previous ones. I'm definitely feeling the fact that I am no longer 19 years old! We go in this Friday for our long anatomy ultrasound, and even though I have had brief glimpses of our little guy, and even a very quick #D glimpse at my last doctors visit, I am really looking forward to a nice long detailed look! We have 72 days as of today until he is due to make his appearance, and it seems like no time at all, and an eternity, all rolled into one. Pin It
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