Lion brand Velvet Spun yarn…about 2 skeins (or a comparable soft and plush bulky weight yarn)
Size US11 DPN’s
Tape measure
Cast on 5 stitches and work an I-cord for about 8 inches (this will be knotted later)
R1 Split sts onto 2 DPNs (add DPNs as needed through out the pattern) Kf&b around
R2 K around
R3 Repeat rounds 1 & 2 until you have 40 stitches.
R4 K for 3 inches
R5 Bind off 16 stitches, continue knitting around
R6 Cast on 16 sitiches, continue knitting around
R7 K until garment measure 17 inches from the top
R8 (K6, k2tog) around
R9 Knit 2 rounds
R10 (K5, k2tog) around
R11 Knit 2 rounds
R12 (K4, k2tog) around
R13 Knit 2 rounds
R14 (K3, k2tog) around
R15 Knit 2 rounds
R16 (K2, k2tog) around
R17 Knit 2 rounds
R18 (K, k2tog) around
R19 Knit 2 rounds
R20 (k2tog) around
R21 Knit until tail measure about 6 inches, (or to the end of your yarn)
Pull yarn through live stitches and up into the “tail”, pull tight, weave in if desired,
Tie top and bottom “tails” in knots…I used a double loop knot on the top, and a regular knot on the bottom. To do the double loop, I make a small loop close to the top of the cocoon, wrap the tail gently around the loop twice, then tuck the end of the tail through the loop and gently tug…I wanted it to stay sort of fluffy, not super tight.
There was a figure error that has been addressed. Cast on should be 5 sts not 4, and one unneeded round has been removed.
Oh this is lovely - thank you so much for this cute pattern! I knit for charity and this is ideal - I love to make baby knits mostly and I can't wait to try this!
I'm curious: how will the baby GET INTO this cocoon?? It is adorable, but I just can't imagine putting the baby's body IN through the face opening! Any thoughts?
Maybe you can unite the knot at the bottom? I was worrying about the same thing...
the pattern is sooo adorable tho! :-)
to get baby in...you just flip the hood portion inside out, which makes the top opening larger, slip it on like a sock, then put the hood back in place. :) hth!
Can someong please tell me what Kf&b in R1 means?
kf&b = knit in the front and back of the stitch or stitches. :) hth!
hi amy,
this is a great pattern!!!! thanks or posting it on your blog! i have a question: since it's CO 5 stitches and not 4, how would i split them up onto the 2 dpn's? i never worked with dpn's or a pattern like this so i'm kinda nervous. thank you for your help with it.
You are welcome, and thank you! It's easy...just put 1 stitch on a needle, 2 stitches on the next needle, 2 on the third, and start knitting into the first needle. here is a youTube video that may help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F1El_m_A-M
Thanks so much!! It sounds complicated but I know with the video and once i start the project, i'm sure my brain will "defog". lol!!! thanks again, amy!
Hi, I'm knitting this for my first grandchild (grandson!) to "be" and at the point where the increasing begins (after the I cord) I noticed a problem (for me!)
You say to increase in each stitch, from the initial 8, every other row, so the 8 becomes 16, then 16 becomes 32. Well, to do the same sequence of increasing in each st, 32 and 32 would be 64. You say to increase to 40 sts by repeating the increase method you said to do before it, which doubles each increase row. Are there 64 sts or 40? If it "is" 40, then the last increase wouldn't be done in "every" stitch, as you instructed to do ["Repeat rounds 1 and 2 until you reach 40 sts." (R1 being kf&b, R2 K around.)]
You do not list a gauge either. You said you used Lion Brand Velvetspun with size 11 needles. It has a gauge of 8 sts for 4 inches with size 10.5 needles. (So 2 sts per inch) You say to use 11's. So is your gauge less than 2 sts per inch?
I am a licensed knitting & crocheting instructor and the most important fact we were taught told to teach, & was strictly stressed in training was "Gauge". Every pattern needs to have it listed. Not everyone knits at the same gauge.
I don't have Velvetspun yarn, but if there was a gauge listed, I could determine the size "I" needed to achieve, to match "your" work. You may not knit the same gauge as I do, either tighter or looser, so measurements of the cocoon are important for all of us doing the pattern too, to achieve the same size as you did.
I'm not trying to be "picky" just accurate! I absolutely LOVE the adorable pattern you have written. It is not like the other "tubular" short, tight, plain cocoons on the net, where a hat is needed, to cover the baby's cold head. Yours is absolutely amazing! It's SO cute, and so unique! The hat insert is so brilliant and your baby is adorable in it!
I hope you can help me with the areas I addressed. I would really appreciate it. I'm stuck at the increase area & waiting to read your answer.
Thank you for your comments.
A knitting & crocheting "Grandma" to be, taught by "my" sweet grandmothers when I was 7 years old, 53 years ago!
A Knitpicker in Seattle
To answer your first question, the beginning is a 5 stitch I-cord for 8 inches, you increase from there, in the round until you have 40 stitches. As to you other questions, I will have to do some measurements and get back to you. :)
Amy, I love this! Have you had a chance to do the measurements you spoke of in your 9/26 reply to Tammy? I would love to do one of these for a friend's expected bundle of joy, but prefer to work in a natural fibre; an approximate gauge would be tremendously helpful in choosing a yarn.
Plains, Montana
Yeah...sorry...it has been a bit of a madhouse around here, LOL, and I hadn't had a chance to get on here. The guage measured out to just under 2 stitches to the inch. I little more or less won't make a huge amt of difference, though.
Thanks so much; can't wait to get started!
I am just a little confused when you are increase or kfb at the end of the first round how many stitches should you have. I want to know how many times do you I crease in one round.
After the icord, you will knit fron and back of all stitches (onto DPNS so you can continue in the round), giving you 10 stitches after that increase roound...the second increase round will again double your stitches, giving you 20, then once more to get to 40 stitches. HTH!
This is such a cute project. Thank you so much for creating it. I cant wait to see my great-nephew in it at Christmas.
I am new to knitting and am assuming I can use circular knitting needles?
This is so cute! I love it!
Once I saw it I knew I had to make it for my friend who is having her first baby in a month.
I'm already well on my way, but wanted to doubble check something.
In row 7 you say to knit until garment is 17 inches.
Is that total. Including the top of the hat, or from the cast on/top of the sack?
Yes, that is total length to that point. :)
Great cocoon pattern, Amy. Thank you. Hoping to make one to donate.
Hi, I am a crocheter, do you have a crochet version of this great pattern? I really love it but have never been a knitter. Thanks so much for your time, my email is waterfay@gmail.com. Please send your reply there thanks so very much.
Amy: can i use circular needles on this pattern for the cocoon. i have a hard time with DPN's and hope i can use circular. want to make this adorable cocoon for my newest grandchild who is due in july. thank you Sandy
Amy Please this is the best Cocoon I have ever seen but I am not a good kntter...but can crochet the heck out of yarn....can this please be done in crochet...I need asap! let me know thanks and ur things r lovely!
I'd have to play around with that one a bit...How soon do you need it by?
Thank you so much for this pattern. I have already made four of them for friends and relatives, and I am about ready to start a 5th. They make great gifts and are so easy to make. I currently live in the UK, and I can't get the velvety yarn, but it works great with Patons Bohemian yarn, which I buy at the US military base nearby. I also make them on size 11 circular needles, which I prefer over DPNs. I learned how to knit about a year ago, and this pattern is very easy. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for posting this pattern! We are expecting our first this summer, and I had picked up some bulky weight super soft yarn. I didn't know what I wanted to make with it, but as soon as I saw this pattern it was PERFECT. Your directions were clear and helpful- thanks again!
I absolutely love this pattern! Thanks for posting it! I have 2 questions. I am a very new knitter. Would I be smarter,would it be easier on circular needles? If not, you don't happen to have this pattern in Crochet?????? My brother is having his first grandchild and I really want to make one of these but I am a bit afraid that my knitting skills are not up to par. Thx. Eva
You would probably want to do magic loop if you were to use circulars, but it can be done. I just don't have long enough size 11's, lol. I have been playing around with a crochet version but I haven't found a yarn that gives the same feel yet. The velvetspun is nice, but crochets up SO thick!
This is such a sweet sac. I read all the comments and that helps explain some things. I will probably do mine on 2 circular needles. My question is: what in and I-cord? hope you will still get this. oh yeh, that baby is cute too. Just teasing she is beautiful.
I posted a comment and my email address should be melosue@yahoo.com bit the gmail one that it showed.
This is adorable! but I'm a crocheter, so I think I'll convert it to sc and follow pattern accordingly!
I've just started this pattern and have got to 3inches past 40 stitches but it looks like I am knitting it inside out! Do I need to unravel and start again? The nice stitches are on the inside while the Icord is on the outside :(
hi,i am expecting my first grandaughter in 3 weeks and my daughter saw your cocoon pattern and wants me to have a go at knitting one for her,the problem is i only know 2 stitches and they are knit and pearl,i can rib and stocking stitch,so please can you give me a very detailed abbreviations on all stitches and how things are done, i am also a farely loose knitter and will also be (TRYING VERY HARD)to do it in either double knit yarn or 4ply. i am relly sorry to be a pain but i hope you can help me,or anyone that has already knitted this cocoon i welcome any help from anyone including anything from any of your followers. ,my e-mail address is:- hermione656@btinternet.com.. v Ihope you get this ok
please can anyone help me with my dyelema
stitches used are kf&b (knit front and back), knit, purl, and k2tog (knit 2 together). It is worked in the round on double pointed needles, and is written specifically for a super chunky yarn. ::) hth~Amy
Thank you for posting this. I am pregnant with my 3rd and learned to knit this past year because I got bored with crocheting. This is my personal opinion. I knit socks, which do need to be knit to gauge to fit properly but this is more like a blanket and 2 to even 4 inches of a difference would not really be that big of a deal, especially since it is stretchy. This is one of the few patterns you can just r e l a x with :) So have fun! The knitting gods, to quote Stephanie Pearl-McPhee will not punish you for not doing a gauge swatch on this one. (:
hello !
thanks for these great pattern!
I’ve a question :
you says :
“k until garment measure 17 inches from the top”
you may says from cast on I cord ? or cast on 16 sts? Or beginning kfb ?
I’m waiting an answer !
thanks a lot
Hi! This is the exact cocoon I have been looking for, but I am like a few others....I would really like to see if you could convert it to a crochet pattern. I can pretty much add lib it, except for the hood :/ Thanks sooo much!
This is by far the cutest baby cocoon I've seen yet!! Now I've gotta go buy some chunky weight yarn and some size 11s!! Lol
Can't wait to make this!!
P. S. Since so many babies are about 18-20.5 inches long, can this be made to a much longer length? Thanks
I have just finished knitting your wonderful baby cocoon for my niece's baby shower. I used Lion Brand Quick & Cozy yarn in Marshmallow. I used size 11 dpns and 16" 11 circular needles. The guage is 2 sts. = 1". I would describe my tension as average, as I am not too loose, nor to tight and have used 3 skeins of yarn. Thank you for sharing your pattern!
I have just finished knitting your wonderful baby cocoon for my niece's baby shower. I used Lion Brand Quick & Cozy yarn in Marshmallow. I used size 11 dpns and 16" 11 circular needles. The guage is 2 sts. = 1". I would describe my tension as average, as I am not too loose, nor to tight and have used 3 skeins of yarn. Thank you for sharing your pattern!
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