Photos of the finished Flat Knit Wool Soaker

Amy’s Flat Knit Soaker
Knit flat on size 4 and 5 US needles
Knit with Patons Classic Wool Merino, medium weight
Gauge: In the main body of the soaker
6 stitches to the inch
7 rows to the inch
On size 4 needles and using 2 tail cast on
CO 68 stitches
Rows 1-9: K2P2 rib (9 rows ribbing)
Row 10: (wrong side facing, and knitting onto size 5 needle) K2tog P2 across
(17 decreases, 51 stitches on needle)
Rows 11-53: Work in stockinette (43 rows of stockinette, aprox. 5 1/2 inches)
CROTCH: (with wrong side facing)
Rows 54-96: Work in P3K3 rib (43 rows of ribbing, aprox. 5 1/2 inches)
Rows 97-104: Work in stockinette (8 rows of stockinette, aprox. 1 1/8 inch)
On next rows (105-107), make Short Rows:
Knit to last 5 stitches, turn
Purl to last 5 stitches, turn
Knit to last 10 stitches, turn
Purl to last 10 stitches, turn
Knit to last 15 stitches, turn
Purl to last 15 stitches, turn
Knit to end, turn
Purl to end, turn
Rows 108-123: Work in stockinette (16 rows of stockinette, aprox 2 1/4 inches)
On next rows (124-126), make Short Rows:
Knit to last 5 stitches, turn
Purl to last 5 stitches, turn
Knit to last 10 stitches, turn
Purl to last 10 stitches, turn
Knit to end, turn
Purl to end, turn
Rows 127-139: Work stockinette, ending with a right side row (13 rows of
stockinette, aprox. 2 1/8 inch)
{There should be a total of 43 rows measured along the edge of the back side panel}
Row 140: (with wrong side facing) P2, K1 M1F (from front, lift loop between
stitches onto left needle, knit into back of loop) ACROSS to last stitch, M1F K1
(17 increases, 68 stitches on needle)
Row 141: (knitting onto size 4 needle) P2, K2 ACROSS
Rows 142-150: Continue P2 K2 rib (9 more rows of ribbing)
Bind off loosely in pattern.
CUFFS: (note* I mark the stitches to be picked up first with waste yarn to help ensure that I get the right number of stitches, and I generally pick up stitches along the inside bar of the outermost stitch, as this seems to give the cleanest line, and ensures stitches are picked up evenly.*)
RIGHT SIDE CUFF :(with wrong side facing, and using size 5 needle)
Pick up 14 stitches along bottom back
Pick up 43 stitches along crotch
Pick up 15 stitches along bottom front
(Total of 72 stitches picked up)
Row 1: (knitting onto size 4 needle) K2P2 ACROSS
Rows 2-5: Continue K2P2 ribbing
Bind off loosely in pattern
LEFT SIDE CUFF :(with wrong side facing, and using size 5 needle)
Pick up 15 stitches along bottom front
Pick up 43 stitches along crotch
Pick up 14 stitches along bottom back
(Total of 72 stitches picked up)
Row 1: (knitting onto size 4 needle) K2P2 ACROSS
Rows 2-5: Continue K2P2 ribbing
Bind off loosely in pattern
Fold in half and seam from waistband to cuff on both sides.
Knit an I cord, crochet a single chain cord, or use a ribbon woven in and out of the waistband ribbing for a tie closure, if desired
**I have done my best to ensure that there are no errors in this pattern. Thank you, and happy knitting~Amy
© 2007-by Amy O’Holleran: This is my original work, and may not be reproduced for sale without my express permission. Thank you.
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this pattern looks great. Im gonna co tonight.! merry x mas.
What size is this soaker?
I made a crochet pattern dimilar to this... I mashed together a bunch of ideas I saw online and came up with the purple one on my blog!
Hi Amy,
I made three of the crochet soakers and just washed them to felt them. I noticed that they shrink quite a bit through the width but not at all in the length. I also didn't see anywhere on your pattern where it tells how to properly felt them after you make them. Can you give me some instructions on how to do that correctly?
Thanks so much!
Hi Amy, I have the same question as Nathan. I am wondering if you felt/full these at all. How do you wash them if you dont felt them? Thanks so much!!
Im not very technically savvy but each time I come to this pattern to read the next bit of instructions and X out of the page pornography sites pop up. I've never had this happen before or when I am elsewhere on the web.
Hi, what size does this make please?
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