Yarn: Worsted Weight Wool
Recommended needles: US 6 straight (for cast on), US 5 circular or DPN’s (for waist and leg cuffs), US 7 circular or DPN’s (for body and girly options), US 8 (for skirty bind-offs)
Stitch markers, at least 3
Stitch holder
Tapestry needle
**Read all instructions carefully first. There are special instructions for girly options.**
Suggested gauge: 5 ½ stitches per inch and 6 rows per inch in stockinet on US 7
General measurements (unstretched to slightly stretched)
NEWBORN= WEIGHT up to 11lbs WAIST 11-15 in. RISE 14-15in. THIGHS 6-11 in.
SMALL= WEIGHT 11-17 lbs WAIST 12-18 in. RISE 15-16 in. THIGHS 7-12 in.
MEDIUM= WEIGHT 15-20 lbs WAIST 12.5-20 in. RISE 16-17 in. THIGHS 8-13 in.
LARGE= WEIGHT 20-24 lbs WAIST 13-22 in. RISE 17-18 in. THIGHS 9-14 in.
X-LARGE= WEIGHT 25lbs+ WAIST 14-24 in. RISE 18-19 in THIGHS 10-15 in
Instructions are for Newborn(Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large)
Waist band:
Cast on 64(80, 96, 112, 128) stitches on US 6 needle (maintains stretch). Transfer stitches to US 5 circular or DPN’s, place stitch marker and join in a loop.
1. K2P2 Rib for 8(10, 12, 14, 16) rounds
Switch to US 7 circular or DPN’s
1. K4(5, 6, 7, 8), M1 (Insert left needle from the front and pick up the bar between the stitches, knit into the back.), around. (80, 96, 112, 128, 144 stitches)
2. K 2(3, 4, 5, 6) rounds.
3. K 20(24, 28, 32, 36) stitches, place hip marker, K 40(48, 56, 64, 72) stitches, place hip marker, K remaining 20(24, 28, 32, 36) stitches.
4. Work Wrapped Short Row Set:
Work around to the turning point (second hip marker placed), turn, yo purl-wise….bring yarn behind needle and insert needle into first stitch purl-wise…Purl across to the turning point (first hip marker placed), turn, yo knit wise…bring yarn in front of needle and insert needle into first stitch knit-wise, Knit across to the last stitch before the marker, slip that stitch purl-wise, remove marker, replace stitch on left needle, place marker on right needle. K2tog (yo and 1st stitch after the ‘gap’) Continue knitting around past the joining marker, to the stitch before the next hip marker. Slip that stitch knit-wise, remove the marker, slip the next stitch knit-wise, knit those 2 stitches together (as in SSK), place marker on right needle. Continue knitting around to the joining marker.
5. K 2(3, 4, 5, 6) rounds.
6. Repeat 4-5 3 more times.
7. K 15(19, 23, 27, 31) stitches. Bind off the next 5 stitches. K 39(47, 55, 63, 71) stitches {40, 48, 56, 64, 72 stitches including last live loop from bind-off}. Bind off next 5 stitches. K remaining 14(18, 22, 26, 30) stitches {15, 19, 23, 27 31 stitches including last live loop from bind-off}
8. K across to the last 2 stitches before the bind-off, K2tog, turn
9. P across to the last 2 stitches before the bind-off, P2tog, turn
10. Repeat 8-9 until 18(24, 30, 36, 42) stitches remain.
Cut tail to weave in, place stitches on stitch holder.
11. Join yarn on back side with right side facing and repeat 8-9 until 18(24, 30, 36, 42) stitches remain.
Cut approximately 18(20, 24, 28, 30) inch minimum tail to work Kitchener seam: Place stitches from front and back on straight or DPN’s, with back side facing and wrong sides together. Thread tail onto tapestry needle
Always keep yarn below needles…
1. Insert tapestry needle into the 1st stitch on the front needle as if to purl.
2. Insert tapestry needle into the 1st stitch on the back needle as if to knit.
3. Insert tapestry needle into the 1st stitch on the front needles as if to knit and remove stitch from the needle.
4. Insert tapestry needle into the next stitch on the front needle as if to purl.
5. Insert tapestry needle into the 1st stitch on the back needle as if to purl and remove stitch from the needle.
6. Insert tapestry needle into the next stitch on the back needle as if to knit.
Repeat steps 3 to 6 until all stitches are bound off.
Leg Cuffs:
1. Pick up 44(48, 52, 56, 60) stitches, or multiples of 4, around leg opening on US 5 DPN’s.
2. K2p2 rib for 4(6, 8, 10, 12) rounds.
3. Bind off in pattern on US 6 needle.
Repeat for the second leg opening.

The ribbing pattern offers a snug but stretchy leg cuff.
Weave in and trim all ends.
Knit an I-cord, crochet a chain, or twist a drawstring, and weave through the waistband.


Rumba Butt:

Special Instructions: Work second round after each short row set, from hip marker to hip marker across the back, in PURL (40, 48, 56, 64, 72 stitches) Continue with these instructions after completing soaker. Uses approx. 70(80, 90, 100, 110) yards additional yarn.
1, Pick up 40(48, 56, 64, 72) stitches in purl bumps on US 7.
2. Purl across, turn.
3. (K2, yo) across, K2, turn.
4. Purl across, turn.
5 (K3, M1) across, K2, turn.
6. Purl across, turn
7. Bind off.
Repeat for each set of purl bumps down the back of the soaker. Use the tails from each pick-up and bind-off to sew down the ends of each ruffle. Weave in and trim all ends. Dampen and finger block as needed.
Flirty Eyelet Skirty:

Special Instructions: Work round 2 after the first short row set in PURL (80, 96, 112, 128, 144 stitches). Continue with these instructions after completing the soaker. Uses approx. 110(130, 150, 170 190) additional yards of yarn.
1. Pick up 80(96, 112, 128, 144) stitches around the soaker on US 7 circular or DPN’s.
2. Knit around.
3. (K4, yo) around.
4-6. K around.
7. (K5, yo) around.
8-10. K around.
11. (K6, yo) around.
12-14. K around.
15. (K7, yo) around.
16-18. K around.
19. (K8, yo) around.
20-22. K around.
23. (K7, K2tog, yo) around.
24-26, K around.
27. Repeat 23-26 for desired length.
1. K around.
2. (K2, yo) around.
3. K around.
4. Bind off.
Weave in and trim all ends.
Cheer Skirty:

Special Instructions: Work round 2 after the first short row set in PURL (80, 96, 112, 128, 144 stitches). Continue with these instructions after completing the soaker. Uses approx. 125(175, 200, 250, 275) additional yards of yarn.
1. Pick up 80(96, 112, 128, 144) stitches around on US 7 circular or DPN‘s.
2. Knit around.
3. (K8, M1Purl-wise) {Insert left needle from back and pick up the bar between the stitches, purl into the front}, around.
4-5. (K8, P) around.
6. (K8, P, M1Purl-wise) , around
7-8. (K8, P2) around.
9. (K8, P2, M1Purl-wise) , around
10-11. (K8, P3) around.
12. (K8, P3, M1Purl-wise) , around
13-14. (K8, P4) around.
15. (K8, P4, M1Purl-wise) , around
16-17. (K8, P5) around.
18. (K8, P5, M1Purl-wise) , around
19-20. (K8, P6) around.
21. (K8, P6, M1Purl-wise) , around
22-23. (K8, P7) around.
24. (K8, P7, M1Purl-wise) , around
25-30. (K8, P8) around. (Repeat an additional 10 rounds for Small, 20 rounds for Medium, 30 rounds for Large, 40 rounds for Extra Large.)
Bind off in pattern.
Weave in and trim all ends.
Get the .pdf here!...Li'l Aries Soaker .pdf
© Copywrite 2009 by Amy O’Holleran. This pattern is for personal use only. Items made using this pattern may not be produced for sale without my express permission. Thank you!