For both versions, cast on 30 stitches on size 8 dpns, using your preferred cast on (I used the long-tail method)
Short version:

K1P1 rib for 15 rounds
K for 10 rounds
Bind off 8 stitches, continue knitting around
Cast on 8 stitches, continue knitting around
K 8 rounds
K2Tog y/o around
K 3 rounds
Bind off, Repeat for second mitt.
Long version:

K1P1 rib for 10 rounds
K for 30 rounds
Bind off 8 stitches, continue knitting around
Cast on 8 stitches, continue knitting around
K 8 rounds
K2Tog y/o around
K 3 rounds
Bind off, Repeat for second mitt.
*edit...forgot the y/o in the k2tog rounds...oops!