Monday, April 11, 2011

One World Market Bag

We only have One World, with finite resources, making the use of reusable products vital to the health of our planet. We are One World, making cooperation between nations just as vital. I designed this market bag to encompass those two realities. The 70% Wool, 30% Mohair Peace Fleece yarn itself is central to the One World idea. Peace Fleece is a fiber cooperative bringing together farmers from Russia, eastern Europe, central Asia, the Middle East, and the US for mutual understanding and economic independence. And they make an incredible yarn in the process!

The One World market bag features an open but sturdy construction (I can easily carry a gallon of milk in one!) which is just stretchy enough to allow plenty of shopping space. It is perfect for the grocery or the farmers market. The addition of the drawstring allows you to close the bag to prevent run-away fruit :D

One World Market Bag

Materials used in the project:

Peace Fleece Yarn
Size I crochet hook
Tapestry needle

Ch6, Join in loop
1 ch4 (DC Ch1) around, 12 DC’s
2 slst in ch1 sp…Ch4, dc in same st, (ch1, dc, ch1, dc, ch1) in each ch sp around.
3 slst in ch1 sp…Ch4, dc in next ch sp, ch1, *( dc, ch1, dc, ch1)* in next ch sp , repeat around
4 slst in ch1 sp…Ch4, dc in same st, ch1, (dc, ch1) in next 2 sts, *(dc, ch1 dc ch1) in next ch sp, (dc, ch1) in next 2 ch sp*, repeat around
5-6 slst in ch1 sp…Ch4, dc in next ch1 sp and in each sp around
7 slst in ch1 sp…Ch4, dc in same st, ch1, (dc, ch1) in next 3 ch sp, *(dc, ch1, dc, ch1) in nexc ch sp, (dc, ch1) in next 3 ch sp* repeat around.
8-20 repeat round 5
21 ch1 and sc 2 times in each ch sp around
22 ch1, sc around
23 ch1, 3 sc, dec2tog
24 ch1, sc24,, ch 32, sc 24, ch 32, join.
25-26 ch1, sc around

Join yarn inside handle, sc evenly around
Sc around, dec’ing 2 tog at the corners

Finish off, weave in ends.

You can also purchase these bags on my etsy Tangled Skeins


  1. Nice market bag. the drawstring is a good idea!

  2. Amy,
    How much of the PeaceFleace did you use? I love the bag and also have some PF around.... could be a fun project...if not for groceries then for carrying my projects on the go!!!

  3. It was less than a skein of each color...perhaps 2/3 of a skein for the body, and 1/3 for the handles...I'd have to dig through my bin to know for sure, LOL.

  4. Hi! Is it okay for me to sell finished projects from your pattern? Thank you!
