Saturday, August 13, 2011

We have a winner!!

Congratulations go out to entry number 10, Robynne Savacool Cook!! You are the winner of the Original Pigtail Pal of your choice!! I will be contacting you shortly!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thanks so much to all who entered.

Names have been taken down, and numbers have been assigned in the order in which the entries were received...I'll pop in to and announce the winner in the morning! Good luck to everyone who entered! ♥~Amy

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last chance for entries!!!

Get your entries in ASAP! You could win the Pigtail Pal of your choice! The deadline for comments/entries is 11:59pm (Eastern Standard/NYC time) on Friday, August 12, 2011. I will choose and announce the random winner on Saturday, August 13, 2011. See THIS POST for more information.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don't miss out on your chance to WIN!

See the post below for information on entering!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Let's get ready for a giveaway!

The Tangled Skeins Facebook page has reached 300 fans! You know what that means? It‘s giveaway time!!

This giveaway is for a Pigtail Pal Hair Accessory Organizer! (from my new little addition, Pigtail Pals! The lucky winner will receive the Original Pigtail Pal of their choice!

Pictured is Emmalee.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tangled Skeins has...

a brand new baby sister! Recently a seed of inspiration struck my fancy...stuck and took root. It has flowered into...

Pigtail Pals Hair Accessory Organizers

It is just a newborn, lots of ideas are still in the planning stage (or are on hold while awaiting that wonderful big BROWN truck, lol), but I am simply thrilled with the possibilities! Come by and check it out, then stop by my new facebook page!