Monday, March 23, 2009

Simple eyelet-edged mitts

Originally uploaded by tangledskeins
These patterns are for 2 lengths with the same basic design. The design is very simple, and is a great project for practicing with dpn's. They are also very fast to work up, for those that like instant gratification, LOL. Cute in solid colors, as well as verigated (which awesomely in the colors I have worked up, leads to a cute striped effect!) :)

For both versions, cast on 30 stitches on size 8 dpns, using your preferred cast on (I used the long-tail method)

Short version:
K1P1 rib for 15 rounds

K for 10 rounds

Bind off 8 stitches, continue knitting around

Cast on 8 stitches, continue knitting around

K 8 rounds

K2Tog y/o around

K 3 rounds

Bind off, Repeat for second mitt.

Long version:
K1P1 rib for 10 rounds

K for 30 rounds

Bind off 8 stitches, continue knitting around

Cast on 8 stitches, continue knitting around

K 8 rounds

K2Tog y/o around

K 3 rounds

Bind off, Repeat for second mitt.

*edit...forgot the y/o in the k2tog rounds...oops!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blanket of Rassilon...finished the seal!!

I finally finished the Seal of Rassilon motif on my Blanket of Rassilon! (see the other posts for how this project progressed;) I'm really glad I challenged myself with this one...doing crochet intarsia and teaching myself to carry colors so that the work is 'finished' on both sides...I do believe that I will be trying more projects like this in the future!